Sunday, 27 January 2019


                                   Obasanjo and APC members in 2014
 In 2014, the year preceding the 2015 general elections, the Abeokuta house of former president Olusegun Obasanjo was a holy ground somewhat where members of the then opposition All Progressive Congress visited him regularly. They prostrated before him to seek his endorsement and support so as to win the elections. Then, Obasanjo suddenly became the beautiful bride in the political firmament of the country. Obasanjo has always been a beautiful bride in Nigerian politics since 1979 when he willingly relinquished power as a young military head of state, to the chagrin of many Africans. Africans are known to be thirsty and dangerously hungry for holding on to power till death.
The late president of Togo, Gnassingbe Eyedema once said, "It is better to die as president than to be an ex-president." And true to his confession and belief, indeed, he died why in office! Thus, because Obasanjo willingly handed over power to late president Shehu Shagari in 1979, he has remained a force to be reckoned with in determining who should be the president especially since the country returned to democracy in 1999. So, when he completed his second tenure in 2007, he was instrumental to the emergence of late president Umaru Yar'Adua. Also, he ensured that Mr. Goodluck Jonathan was elected president in 2011. When members of APC visited Obasanjo in 2014, I was taken aback because they have continuously branded the then ruling PDP as the political party that destroyed country. In their first visit, they described Obasanjo as a navigator, patriotic Nigerian, elder statesman, baba who love Nigeria! They used all the palatable adjectives one can find in any dictionaries on him. They said, "We have come to seek advice and support for the coming elections." Then, I asked certain questions: (1) why will members of the APC visit Obasanjo who led the country under the PDP they claimed destroyed the country for 16 years? (2) Did they visit Obasanjo to learn how to further destroy country or why did they visit him? Sometime after that visit, Obasanjo tore his membership card of the PDP and began to campaign for APC and Buhari. Buhari won the presidential election and Obasanjo remained in the good book of the APC and Buhari. However, as soon as the same Obasanjo who helped Buhari to power chided him because of the widespread insecurity that is pervading the country-herdsmen killing of innocent Nigerians on their farms, the activities of the Boko Haram insurgents that have spread from northeast to the northwest and northcentral geopolitical zones of the country, he suddenly became the enemy of APC and Buhari! They used all manner of unprintable adjectives on Obasanjo which I can't repeat in this post! But did they use such maligning and derogatory words on him when he supported Buhari in 2014? The answer is capital NO! But why are these ignoramuses attacking Obasanjo now? It is simply because Buhari and his co-travelers have promised the southwest the president in 2023! That is all! To this class of people in the southwest, whether the country goes on fire before 2023 is non of their business as long as the president come to them in 2023. But my pain about the whole drama between Buhari and Obasanjo is that, it is only his southwest brothers and sisters who claim to be highly educated that are insulting him! To the best of my knowledge, I haven't seen any northerner insulting Chief Obasanjo like his people from the southwest. This is regrettable! For sure, Buhari and his northern brothers and sisters must be laughing heartily in their closets. Educated southwesterners, learn to show some respect to your elders!

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